Upside down up

Upside down up is an art piece that shows how we humans always have a different side to us, denoted by the colour change portrayed on the land but still being watched by an entity beyond our control, not just from above. Like the trees upside down, we all have different layers of ugliness branched within us that can be seen by others when the time appears.

We should never forget that each of us has light & darkness inside us & should know how far we can see the darkness growing from the light’s eye.



Power Beyond

The power beyond is an art piece that showcases the ability of an underestimated rival, Ukraine & how the once thought superpower & still Russia, was able to burn itself head-on into the war regardless of how much darkness its opponent was handling.

Ukraine will & always be more significant than Russia.



21st-Century Of Virus

This art piece stands for the modernity & society we live in. And how a merely invisible virus has been chained to our daily lives and disrupted our way of living. Ultimately, the era of the 21st century where the most advanced technologies & governments became puppets.

So the white light denotes the hope that we will see the end of the tunnel, or are we stuck with the virus forever?



Coloured Emotions

Coloured Emotions is an art piece that depicts us as human beings with a combination of emotions from the bottom to top likewise from sadness to happiness. Even with this system in place to guide our emotions, there will be times they will resurface totally in an opposite way from one another to form something more time inbound & something more materialistic.



Each of us, a piece of us

Each of us, a piece of us is an art that depicts our inner unity of 3 of 6 chakras that combine & make us what we are, such as our crown, our heart, and our solar plexus. Accordingly, our layered feelings & emotions with different dimensions meet us at the centre with the set of abnormal uncertainties.



Blood Money

The idea behind blood money’s artwork is how these words are so linked together. Without one, the other can’t survive metaphorically speaking; the diseases, sickness, and everything else people go through in their daily lives is due to our own mistakes reflected on our bodies, but to make them go away, we need Money that’s getting soaked in the same blood.



Roots of Life

Roots of Life’s art piece is a unique way of how we humans are closely related to faraway lives. Though we don’t touch each other, we are deeply connected to the roots of the soil, blood to soil the mother earth which gave birth to our ancestors. Each branch comes from different sizes but comes together to merge and grow as one in the process as we forget who we are even though we are at the extreme ends of the world.



Shattered Heart

The art piece shattered heart depicts the same emotion of a current technological world of broken hearts. It can be broken into bits & pieces, but putting it back as one in the same condition before will be difficult, but it might be simple for some but harder for others, like the one on the top. The more you try to attach it, the more pain & blood will be shattered next time.



Rainbow Life

The art piece Rainbow Life depicts everything we see and endure, let it be an object or another life. Everything will start somewhere & should end somewhere. God sends a rainbow after a rain of emotions with different colours, with each colour showing diverse emotions of life with an endpoint somewhere on earth but could be located. Life is the same as this endpoint, everything will end, but you can’t find the end when it appears. It will take its path like rays of a rainbow in the art piece, which will end somewhere.





Natures Wrath

This art piece shows the wrath of mother nature and how angry she is due to climate change where we are ripping the natural resources from the soil. In the dark background with the green trees in between them is a bleeding red hand that ushers a warning sign to us, stating it’s about time to flick my middle finger with one of the entities of nature to destroy us, ultimately saving herself.